MDCC - Administrative Issues

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Administrative Issues

It is the responsibility of the applicant to complete, in its entirety, the application packet. The entire packet must be returned to the address provided below. An OFFICIAL transcript must also be mailed to the same address.

Mississippi Delta Community College
Director of Human Resources 
P. O. Box 668 
Moorhead, MS 38761

The Director of Human Resources will mail to you a pay roll packet after the completed application packet and official transcript have been received and the applicant has been verified by the appropriate Department Chair.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), is a federal law that grants important privacy rights to students regarding their educational records. More specifically, unless required by federal law, the information contained in educational records may not be disclosed to third parties, including parents, without the written consent of a student who is 18 or over. However, if the student is a minor, or, if the parents can demonstrate that their student is a dependent for income tax purposes, the parents may access the records. In addition to granting privacy rights, FERPA gives students the right to review their educational records and the right to request an amendment of those records should they feel the records contain inaccurate information.

The term, “educational records,” as used in the FERPA statute, includes more than academic records in its meaning. Educational records may also be financial aid records, transcripts, letters of recommendation, disciplinary files, grades, test scores, admissions applications, and course enrollments. In essence, any records maintained by an institution and which contain information directly related to a student are educational records.

Americans with Disabilities Act
Mississippi Delta Community College abides by the regulations outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). The College does not discriminate against any qualified individual with a disability in regard to employment, transportation, accommodations or telecommunications. This policy incorporates the provisions of the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended by the Civil Rights Act of 1991, Section 505 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Title 11 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and the Communications Act of 1934.

Disability Services
Disability Services provides comprehensive and innovative accommodations to assist students with disabilities in meeting their academic and career goals. Students who self-identify and provide the proper disability documentation are eligible for services.
Disability Services are available to students with a hearing, learning, physical, mental, visual, or psychological/psychiatric disability. A comprehensive list of eligible disabilities is available in the Disabilities Services Office.

  • MDCC embraces the diversity and cultural richness of all students.
  • We focus on accessibility for all students.
  • Students, faculty, staff, and parents are our customers.
  • We strive to teach our students to embrace who they are.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 protects the rights of qualified individuals who have disabilities such as, but not limited to:

Blindness/visual impairment
Cerebral Palsy 
Deafness/hearing impairment
Epilepsy/seizure disorders
Orthopedic/mobility impairment
Specific learning disability
Speech/language disorders
Spinal cord injury
Tourette’s Syndrome
Traumatic brain injury

Chronic illnesses such as: 
Cardiac disease 
Multiple Sclerosis 
Muscular Dystrophy 
Psychiatric disability

MDCC Contact Person: 
Jalisha Kee
P. O. Box 668
Boggs-Scroggins Enrollment Services Center
Moorhead, MS 38761

We Connect Now website
This website was developed to serve, connect and integrate college students with disabilities to important issues. We Connect Now is dedicated to uniting college students with disabilities in access to higher education and employment issues.


division chair by title name Phone
Vice President of Instruction Dr. Valarie Morgan 662-246-6317
Dean of Career-Technical and Adult Education Allison Brady 662-246-6516
Humanities Department Chair Claire Green 662-246-6399
Fine Arts Department Chair Jennifer Woodard 662-246-6348
Dean of Health Sciences Patricia Kelly 662-246-6417
HPR Department Chair Burnadette McDonald 662-246-6474
Math & Science Department Chair Elizabeth Scrivner 662-246-6402
Social Sciences Department Chair Allyson Lofton  662-246-6236

campus contact Phone
Greenwood Campus Mary Peyton Rodgers,
Director of Greenwood Campus
Greenville Campus Dr. Temika Simmons,
Director of Greenville Campus