MDCC - Conducting Surveys

Main Content Section

Survey Requests: Internal MDCC-Only

Purpose and Overview: This office policy establishes the framework to administer surveys at Mississippi Delta Community College (MDCC) for the purpose of protecting respondents, eliciting quality information, and avoiding survey fatigue. To this end, most surveys that sample MDCC students, employees, or alumni must first be reviewed by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Definition: For this policy, the term survey covers any structured series of questions that are addressed to a group of persons in order to understand their attitudes and/or experiences.

Timeline: A survey application and all supporting material(s) must be submitted to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness two weeks prior to launch.

Process: Applicants will complete the online Application to Conduct a Survey found in the Research & Data section of MDCC’s Institutional Effectiveness webpage. Applicants will also upload to this form (1) a final copy of (or link to) the survey instrument and (2) a final copy of any recruitment/invitation material.

Exemptions: The following types of surveys conducted by MDCC faculty, staff, or students are exempt from review:

  • Course surveys
  • Student evaluations of faculty
  • Surveys conducted within one classroom or course section
  • Surveys conducted within one office or other organizational unit
  • Event feedback/evaluation forms (must be conducted within a week of the activity and targeted only to attendees)

Additionally, the following activities are exempt from review because they are not surveys:

  • Elections
  • Event registration forms
  • Scheduling polls
  • Interest forms (e.g., collecting info from prospective students)
  • Administrative records (e.g., collecting sizes for a t-shirt order)

Finally, the Office of Institutional Effectiveness does not monitor or regulate any surveys done through social media.

Expedited Review: In the case of unusually pressing circumstances, Executive Leadership Team members may petition the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to conduct surveys on a compressed time-frame to meet the demands of timely strategic planning.

Application to Administer a Survey
