MDCC - Admission Policy

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Policy Of Admission To Health Science Programs

Applicants should obtain information regarding application for admission from the Health Sciences web page which can be accessed from the MDCC website at  All required application materials must be submitted by the specified deadline in order for the applicant to be considered for admission.

Applicants to the health science programs must meet the requirements for admission to the college.  In addition, health science program applicants must complete all noted program specific academic required pre-requisites with a "C" of higher prior to program admission. Some courses may require a specific time frame of completion please refer to each program's checklist for a list of all required preadmission courses.

The admission process is competitive.  Each program uses an objective rating scale to evaluate each applicant.  Specific areas that are evaluated include (but are not limited to) ACT scores, entrance test scores, academic course work required for the major, GPA , applicable previous degrees and certificates earned from an accredited college/university, healthcare background/experience, performance on core courses, and timely submission of the application.

Acceptance into a Health Science Program is conditional pending results of a physical examination indicating satisfactory health, a drug screen and criminal background check at the applicant's expense.  According to Mississippi State Law Code 43-11-13, an individual may not be eligible for employment in a health care agency if the person has ever been convicted of a felony, or plead guilty to, or plead nolo contendere to a a felony of possession or sale of drugs, murder, manslaughter, armed robbery, rape, sexual battery, sex offense listed in Section 45-33-23 (h), child abuse, arson, grand larceny, burglary, gratification of lust or aggravated assault, of felonious abuse and/or battery of a vulnerable adult.  Additional requirements include CPR certification and specific summer course work, if applicable.

Applicants are notified by email of conditional acceptance or non-acceptance into a program.  Applicants who are conditionally accepted must comply with all orientation requirements in order to secure a place in the class.  Academic and career counseling is available for applicants who are not accepted in Health Science Programs.

Students must be 18 years of age before entrance into most Health Science programs. Individual program's age requirements will be indicated under the programs stated Minimum Admission Requirements. 

