MDCC - Life Skills

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Life Skills

Life Skills

Courses offered with an interest in Life Skills are:As the name suggests, LLS classes prepare students for adult life by establishing personal knowledge, application and evaluation of the rewards of college, setting goals, time and stress management, physical and emotional wellness, critical, creative, and practical thinking, reading, research, note taking, memory, study, test taking, networking, planning for career success, mathematical and financial literacy, thriving in a diverse global community and expanding a growth mindset as well as one’s learning style and personality tendencies.  These are classes college freshmen especially need to survive and thrive in their new adult world.

Improvement of Study (LLS 1413) offers introductions to all of the above mentioned avenues of adult life.  It is an ideal first semester freshmen elective with universal transfer ability.

Employment Readiness (LLS 1723) further explores the above mentioned avenues as well as expanding into career etiquette, ethics and dress, accountability and workplace relationships, human resources and policies, communication, motivation, leadership and teams, conflict and negotiation, job search skills, interview techniques, and future career changes.  These students have viable cover letters, resumes, and reference lists upon completion of the course.

